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Published on Oct 26 2024

Farm Worker

$14.87  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From May 8, 2023 to Nov 22, 2023


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1401 CR 381
Granger, TX 76530
United States

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Job description

Duties may include planting & harvesting crops and tending to farm & ranch animals, repairing farm structures & fences; cleaning & maintaining animal housing areas & grounds; operating farm equipment such as tractors, trailers and plows; planting & harvesting of various types of crops which may include cotton, corn & wheat. Applicant must be able to work outdoors & carry load up to 50 lbs. Position requires extensive pushing, pulling, walking & stooping & exposure to extreme temperatures.

Los deberes pueden incluir plantar y cosechar cultivos y atender a los animales de granja y rancho, reparar estructuras y cercas de la granja; limpieza y mantenimiento de áreas y terrenos de alojamiento de animales; operar equipos agrícolas como tractores, remolques y arados; plantación y cosecha de varios tipos de cultivos que pueden incluir algodón, maíz y trigo. El solicitante debe poder trabajar al aire libre y transportar una carga de hasta 50 libras. La posición requiere empujar, jalar, caminar, agacharse y exponerse a temperaturas extremas.

Special Requirements

Applicants must have a minimum of 3 months of employment experience as a farm worker with experience working with farm animals and farm equipment.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... there are 2 types of H-2 visas?

Agricultural workers get H-2A visas. H-2B workers are in non-agricultural jobs like construction.

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