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Published on Mar 09 2025

Farmworkers & Labors , Crop

$17.54  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jun 20, 2023 to Oct 20, 2023


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22555 Laredo Trail
ADEL, IA 50003
United States

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Job description

Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor . Detassel Corn- Worker will walk down the aisles between the plants in the corn fields, for the purpose of detasseling seed corn, remove rogue plants,weeds, and volunteer corn
plants from seed corn production fields and hand harvest . The worker in order to perform this kind of work must be able to walk miles per day while pulling the tassel from each corn stalk, must be able to work long hours a least 6 hours a day in all kinds
of weather, hot humid weather,rain and be exposed to pollen the whole day and be in possession of the requisite strength and durance, working quickly and skillfully with their hands. Days of work may very due to weather conditions. Workday is spent
outdoors and one's feet almost all day. Volunteer passenger drivers .Los trabajadores cabo las tareas asignadas segn las instrucciones de su supervisor. Espigando El Maz trabajador ser caminar por los pasillos entre las plantas en los campos de maz, con el propsito de semillas de maz despenachado, eliminar las plantas sin escrpulos, malezas y plantas de maz voluntario de los campos de produccin
de semillas de maz y cosecha a mano. El trabajador con el fin de llevar a cabo este tipo de trabajo debe ser capaz de caminar millas por da, mientras que tirando de la borla de cada tallo del maz, debe ser capaz de trabajar largas horas al menos 6
horas al da en todo tipo de clima, el clima clido y hmedo, la lluvia y ser expuestos al polen de todo el da y estar en posesin de la resistencia requerida y Durance, que trabaja de forma rpida y hbilmente con sus manos. Los das de trabajo pueden muy
debido a las condiciones climticas. Workday se pasa al aire libre y con los pies casi todo el da.Corn Nursery: Self -pollinating each corn plant by hand to help develop new inbred lines, cutting out weeds to help with weed control,discard bags of corn
and soybean seed ,rouging in corn fields,corn and soybean seed discard dumping .
Vivero de maz: Auto-polinizando cada planta de maz a mano para ayudar a desarrollar nuevas lneas endogmicas, cortando malezas para ayudar con el control de malezas, descartar bolsas de maz y semillas de soja, enrutamiento en campos de maz,
descarte de semillas de maz . Corn Hand Harvesting Hand picking corn, bundling harvest bags, loading dryer boxes, hailing bundles of harvested material from the fields, removal of tassel bags or bins, or other used supplies from the fields,removal of
tassel bags, shoots bags, or used supplies from the field. Sorting harvest bundles for shipping to shelling hubs.Hand shelling and cleaning corn,test of ear corn moisture in our seed box in either day or night,sorting of off type and un-husked ear corn on corn harvester equipment,rock picking , Laying out harvested material in tubs for selection and duties assigned related to harvest activities also daily cleaning . Workers will drive tractor in the field, loading wagons by hand in field ,hand harvest and spot weeding. The
worker in order to perform this kind of work must be able to work outside for at least 6 hours a day in all kinds of weather and be in possession of the requisite strength and endurance, working quickly and skillfully with their hands. The employer will
provide the tools necessary (if applicable) to perform the job described without charge to the worker.Must assist with all Good Agricultural Practices and policies. Preform prolonged bending,standing,reaching, and lifting Up to 20lbs- 50lbs.Worker must
be able to work indoors and outdoors in cold ,wet or hot extreme conditions on uneven surfaces. Able to handle physical workload .Worker must wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, no shorts, hard sole shoes, preferably boots, no tennis shoes.
A copy of the work contract or a copy of the ETA 790 in lieu of a work contract. Volunteer Bus drivers: will drive passenger bus

Special Requirements

No alcohol consumption allowed .

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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