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Published on Sep 21 2024

Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch & Aqua Cultural Animals

$14.26  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Nov 25, 2023 to Mar 15, 2024


217 Webb St
Kenton, TN 38233
United States

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Job description

Break ice in water troughs so cattle can drink, operate tank heaters; provide hay as bedding for cattle to lay on, replace bedding as necessary to avoid contamination and disease, protect cattle from winter elements such as sleet, snow, ice, freezing temperatures; administering medication, processing, feeding, vaccinating livestock to strengthen immune system during extreme weather; monitor cows multiple times daily for birthing; calve cows, provide care to calves immediately at birth and record number and weight of calves; put cows, calves, and stockers on wheat pasture for grazing with temporary fencing; pull cattle off wheat pasture at or before first hollow stem to be sold and take down/store temporary fencing.

Special Requirements


Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... most J-1 workers who work more than 40 hours a week

(and in some states, more than 8 hours a day), can get paid "time and a half?"

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