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Published on Oct 25 2024


$13.67  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Dec 16, 2023 to Jul 1, 2024


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23106 West Lonnie Road
Kaplan, LA 70548
United States

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Job description

Repair/maintain farm equipment, shop, fields, levees, and farm roads; crawfish duties include crawfishing in boats, catching crawfish, performing crawfishing duties in fields; service and maintain crawfish boat (oil, gas, wash, repair); manually cutting up of fish bait; bait traps; operate motorized and push crawfish boats; weight/tag; load/unload crawfish to deliver to local market; job involves frequent stooping and lifting of traps from pond; repair traps as needed; load/unload trucks; wash/grade; must be able to lift 40lbs; repetitive movements; working outside in inclement weather conditions; all tools, supplies, and equipment are provided at no cost to workers; Base hours offered is 35 hours offered; no overtime is offered.

Reparar/mantener el equipo agricola, la tienda, los campos, los diques y las carreteras agricolas; entre los deberes de la langosta figuran la pesca de arrastre en botes, la captura de langosta, la realizacion de tareas de pesca de arrastre en campos; corte de cebo, servicio y mantenimiento de lanchas de arrastre (petrleo, gas, lavado, reparacion);el corte manual del cebo de pescado; trampas de cebo; operar lanchas motorizadas y de arrastre; peso/etiqueta; cargar/descargar langosta para entregar al mercado local; el trabajo implica el frecuente paro y levantamiento de trampas del estanque; reparar las trampas segun sea necesario; camiones de carga/descarga; lavado/grado; debe poder levantar 40 libras; movimientos repetitivos; trabajar fuera en condiciones climaticas inclementes; todos los instrumentos, suministros y equipos se suministran sin costo alguno a los trabajadores; El horario de base es de 35 horas; no se ofrecen horas extras.

Special Requirements

None. Ninguno.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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