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Published on Mar 06 2025

Seasonal Deck Hand Workers

$19.19  per hour
Visa required: H-2B
From Oct 7, 2024 to Jun 1, 2025


3870 Hwy 665
Montegut, LA 70377
United States

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Job description

Alvin Dardar Oyster LLC is a seasonal employer in need of 40 Seasonal Oyster Boat Deck Hand Workers for our upcoming oyster season that will start October 07, 2024 and end June 01, 2025.

Duties: Workers will work on large oyster boats catching oysters in various parts of water using dredge nets; assist in the dropping of the dredge nets into the waters scraping the bottom surface where oysters are scooped up; at the end of the run, workers lift dredge nets filled with live oysters onto boat decks and gently place net onto decks and removing the oysters from nets and return nets back into the water when empty; workers will separate the oysters and measure each oyster to ensure they are 3” in size (consumer size) if less than 3" of size the oyster is returned to the water to mature; oysters that remain on deck are hosed down removing dirt, weighed, bagged, labeled and brought to port ready for pick-up by freezer trucks and brought to the processing plant for its process. The employer will provide all the tools and supplies needed to perform the duties at no cost to workers. The wage that the employer is offering or intends to offer or will provide to the H-2B workers, non-commuting United States Domestic Workers, Citizens, and holders of visas that allow work in the U.S., or in the event that there are multiple wage offers (such as where an itinerary is authorized through special procedures for an employer), the range of applicable wage offers, each of which must equal or exceed the highest of the prevailing wage of the Federal, State, or local minimum wage. The prevailing wage is the higher wage of the OFLC National Prevailing Wage Center on the collective bargaining agreement, occupational employment statistics survey, or private survey. The anticipated employment will last 120 days or more. The employer guarantees to offer work for a total number of hours equal to at least three-fourths of the workdays in each 12-week period of the total employment period. H-2B workers will be reimbursed in the first workweek for all visa, visa processing, border crossing, and other related fees, including those mandated by the government (excluding passport fees). Transportation for H-2B Visa workers and non-commuting United States Domestic Workers (Citizens and holders of visas that allow work in the U.S.), including meals and lodging to the extent necessary, to the place of employment, will be provided, or its cost to workers reimbursed, if the worker completes half the employment period. The employer will also pay reasonable transportation and subsistence costs to workers who will not return home due to subsequent employment with another employer. The employer will not pay for return transportation and subsistence to workers reported to have voluntarily abandoned employment. The transportation payment or reimbursement amount will equal the most economical and reasonable common carrier for the distance involved. Daily meals will be paid at a rate of at least $15.88 p/day during travel to a maximum of $59.00 p/day with receipts. The employer will have housing available for workers for a monthly fee. The employer will also provide daily transportation from housing to the worksite and their return at end of a workday, at no cost to workers. The employer will also provide transportation to workers from housing to the Walmart every Saturday for workers to purchase groceries and other items for the week, at no cost to workers.

Special Requirements

Applicants should possess a minimum of three months of relevant work experience.

They must be willing to work outdoors on large oyster boats, demonstrating physical fitness and the ability to stand for extended periods while performing duties

Must be willing to work rotating shifts Monday to Friday, 7 hours (6:00 AM to 1:00 PM or 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM) and
Saturdays, 5 hours (6:00 AM to 11:00 AM or 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM); No overtime.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when you get to the US, you’re not required to give your boss your personal documents?

That includes your visa and passport!

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