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Published on Oct 27 2024

Farmworker; Diversified (45.2092.00)

$14.77  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Oct 28, 2024 to May 22, 2025


26°47'21.4"N 81°04'49.0"W
Moore Haven, FL 33471
United States

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Job description

Sweet Corn: Workers will manually harvest and pack sweet corn by hand and machine. Corn harvesting will be performed mule train style in crews on approximately 20 pullers. Workers will be pulling sweet corn off the stalk and tossing into a metal bin on the mule train. Workers will walk behind, in front of, or drive the mule train. Workers must keep up with the mule train as it moves slowly through the field at a speed ranging from ½ mile to one mile per hour. Assemble boxes/crates on the top of the mule train. Packers will pick corn out of the bins and place 48 ears into pre-made crates. Packed crates are then moved to workers who will fold and close the lid of the crates and push them down the conveyor belt system. Loaders will then lift and stack the full crates of corn onto the truck. Count and check the crates as they are loaded onto truck. Maintain daily log of hours and record number of harvested boxes. Corn is harvested in the early morning hours starting before daylight, while temperatures are cooler. This ensures that the sugar content of the corn is higher and provides a better-quality product. A generator powered lighting system is used during early morning hours. Workers will avoid harvesting ears of corn with discolored husks, unacceptable shanks (longer than 6 inches) or visible worn or damaged shanks. Sweet corn must be harvested by pulling down while bending and reaching to select mature ears. Workers must carefully select ears of corn of correct size and maturity and toss into bin. Workers will assist in Good Agricultural Practices polices. Long-sleeved shirts and long pants are recommended to minimize contact with the plants and thereby reduce the exposure to cuts and scrapes. Gloves are recommended when working with wooden crates.
Duties: Must be able to lift 70lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 70lbs. in field. Use of personal cell phones or other personal electronic devices during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination. Workers must be able to lift 70 lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 70 lbs. in the field. Workers must work at a sustained (continuing for an extended period of time without interruption), vigorous pace (quick and steady) and make bona fide efforts (made in earnest intent) to work efficiently (performing or functions in the best possible manner with the least water of time and effort), and consistently (same way for a long time) that are reasonable under the climatic and other working conditions to ensure they meet the employers established production and quality standard.
In addition, various types of lettuce, broccoli, cilantro, endive, escarole, parsley and cilantro will be harvested, graded, cultivated, and packed in boxes/buckets manually by hand and machine.
Workers are expected to possess the skills to work in the production of crops listed in this job order. The introductory period for all crop activities is 2 days starting with the first day of employment to acclimate the worker to the physical demands of farm work and to familiarize workers with job specifications and to demonstrate proper harvest methods and other crop specific issues.
During certain duties, workers may be required to work in teams to accomplish a certain task. When engaging in teamwork activities workers must coordinate with other members of the team to accomplish the task. Employer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malinger, or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product.

Special Requirements

Must be physically able to meet and perform all job specifications stated in job order. Must be able to work in the hot humid weather for extended periods of time. Workers are subject to post hire and random drug testing at no cost to the employee. Failing or refusing a drug test will result in immediate termination.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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