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Published on Mar 07 2025

Farming Laborer

$11.81  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Aug 9, 2021 to Nov 5, 2021


Rating: 1 out of 5 (1 reviews)

Kings Berry Farm
4467 Telmore Dixie Union Rd.

Waycross, GA 31503
United States

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Job description

pruning blueberries in high density beds, the training period for all crop activities is 1 day, the first day of employment to acclimate the worker to the physical demands of farm work to familiarize workers with job specifications and to demonstrate proper harvest methods and other crop specific issues, During the training period, the worker must make honest effort to demonstrate proper harvest methods that have been instructed by supervisor.
General farm Labor: Worker will be tasked with weeding or hoeing crops, cleaning, prepairing seed beds and racks, setting up and moving irrigation pipes and equipment, rodent control, farm cleanup task around worksite locations, provide general labor to assist in the establishment of new properties by clearing property, planting, repair and maintenance of new crop, care of crop during growing process,that is owned and controlled by Kings Berry Farm.
Trabajo agricula general: el trabajador tendra la tarea de deshierbar o azarse, limpiar, premarizar lechos de semillas y estantes, instalar y mover tuberias y equipos de riego. El control de roedores, la tarea de limpieza de granjas alrededor de las ubicasiones del lugar de trabajo, proporcionan mano de obra general para ayudar en el establecimiento de nuevas propiedades mediante la limpieza de la propiedad, la sienbra, la reparacion y el mantenimiento de nuevos cultivos, el cuidado de los cultivos durante el proceso de cultivo.
Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor. 2 months verbal experience in this type of work is requiered. The employer will provide the tools necessary to perform the described job duties without charge to the worker. The employer will charge the worker for reasonable costs related to the workers refusal or negligent failure to return the tools or due to such worker's willful damage or destruction of the tools. The training period for all crop activities is 1 day, the first day of employment to acclimate the worker to the physical demands of farm work and to familiarize workers with job specifications and to demonstrate proper harvest methods and other crop specific issues. During the training period, the worker must make honest effort to demonstrate proper harvest methods that have been instructed by supervisor.
Los trabajadores realizaran deberes asignados segun las instrucciones de su supervisor. Se requiere una experiencia de 2 meses en este tipo de trabajo. El empleador proporcionara las herramientas necesarias para llevar a cabo los deberes de trabajo descritos sin cargo al trabajador. El empleador le cobrara al trabajador por costos razonables relacionados con la denegacion del trabajador o la falta negligente de devolver las herramientas o debido al dano intencional o destrucion de las herramientas por el trabajador. El periodo de formacion para todas las actividades de cultivo es de 1 dias, el primer dia de empleo es para aclimar al trabajador a las demandas fisicas del trabajo agricola y familiarizar a los trabajadores con las especificasiones de trabajo y demostrar metodos de cosecha adecuados y otras cuestiones especificas de los cultivos. Durante el periodo de capacitacion, el trabajador debe hacer un esfuerzo honesto para demostrar los metodos de cosecha adecuados que an sido instruidos por el supervisor.

Special Requirements

1. Follow the directions of your supervisor at all times
2. Field/Work dress code:
Close toed shoes or boots are required
Long sleeve shirts, long plants, and rain gear are recommended
No sandals or sleeveless shirts are allowed.
3. Drinking water and portable restrooms will be located in each field.
4. Work Safety Rules:
No horseplay or fighting will be tolerated
includes bullying and harassment, throwing tassels/mud, vandalism, stealing
5. smoking is not allowed in the field or on the bus; only in the headlands.
6. No use or possesion of beer, liquor or illegal drugs is permitted during work time or during any workday before work is completed for the day ( such as during meals); worker may not report for work under the influence of beer, liquor or illegal drugs. Employees may be terminated for the use of alcohol, drunk and/or disorderly conduct in housing after hours. Illegal drugs may not be used, sold, manufactured or kept on any employer premises

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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