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Published on Mar 09 2025

Nursery Worker

$14.91  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Oct 14, 2023 to Aug 13, 2024


9948 Kerr Chapel Rd
Gibsonville, NC 27249
United States

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Job description

Commercial tree nursery worker: Planting, cultivating and harvesting all types of trees growing in fields. Workers will also spray approved chemicals to control pests, weeds and diseases, pinching, pruning, fertilizing, watering, rooting, weeding, loading, transporting, discarding, rotating, grading, storing, and loading and shipping field grown trees according to supervisor’s instructions. Harvesting includes digging up products, balling and securing delicate dirt and root systems in burlap secured with rope, pins or wire, to be stored until ready for shipment in farm staging area. Grading is done by size, shape, and quality. Products are measured and tied for storage and shipment. Duties performed in the field will be sporadic throughout the contract due to the various duties, i.e., planting, pruning, etc. Workers will be required to spray pesticides and herbicides based on training and instructions. Employer will issue appropriate Personal Protective Equipment as appropriate. Worker must be able to carry a loaded 50 lbs. backpack sprayer throughout the entire work day. Workers will also unload supplies from trucks or wagons into fields for transplanting, fertilizing, etc. This work is physically challenging and will be performed in varying weather conditions including, but not limited to, hot, humid, cold, rain, sleet and snow. Requires one month verifiable experience digging by hand ball and burlap, pruning/shearing field-grown nursery trees and harvesting Christmas trees by hand.

EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT: Applicants are required to have a minimum one month verifiable experience working in field-grown tree nursery - grading, sizing, and pruning mostly trees with some limited shrubs according to well established nursery standards. Workers should be able to hand dig small, medium and large sized trees with dirt covered root ball and then securely wrap the root ball with burlap and secure it with large, job specific, employer-provided pinning nails so that the tree can be moved and transplanted successfully by the purchasing customer, providing the tree the very best chance of survival from "harvest shock". Worker should be able to successfully tie tops of trees using string and be able to utilize metal wire baskets on larger tree sizes. Grading and pruning trees is critical work. Pruning, if done incorrectly, can take years for the trees to grow out of the damage, causing the grower significant economic damage. Workers must have at least one month verifiable ball and burlap (B&B) experience and one month experience pruning trees based on verbal instruction from supervisor. Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor. May peer supervise (monitor and direct, only) other workers.

Workers will perform heavy manual labor including but not limited to planting, cultivating, pruning, applying herbicides and insecticides, and fertilizing Christmas trees. Cut, bale and stack fresh-cut Christmas trees by hand. Load fresh-cut Christmas trees by hand. Prolonged walking, standing, bending, stooping, and reaching. Job is outdoors and continues in all types of weather. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. All testing will occur post-hire and is not a part of the interview process. Negative result may be required post-hire and before commencing work. Must be able to lift and carry 100 lbs. repetitively throughout the workday. Must not hinder another worker’s productivity. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.

May operate and perform minor maintenance on farm vehicles or equipment. May operate light truck or van on the farm or over the road to drive themselves or other farmworkers

Special Requirements

Job is outdoors and continues in all types of weather. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. All testing will occur post-hire and is not a part of the interview process. Negative result may be required post-hire and before commencing work. Must be able to lift and carry 100 lbs. repetitively throughout the workday. Must not hinder another workers productivity. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]


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