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Published on Oct 27 2024


$13.67  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Nov 1, 2023 to Apr 1, 2024


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582 Americus Rd.
Star City, AR 71667
United States

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Job description

Perform manual labor to plant, cultivate, harvest, grade and pack tomatoes and strawberries. Irrigate, weed, thin, prune, trellis, and stake and string tomato plants. Lay plastic and sow seeds. Hand pick tomatoes and strawberries according to supervisor's instructions. Count and check produce. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears and knives. Workers will not break skin of produce, drop produce, or leave any appropriate product on the plant during harvest. Produce will be graded during harvest and packed in the field or taken to packing house to be graded and packed. Grade, sort, or classify agricultural products by size, weight, color and condition. Grade, sort, wash, select, label or pack harvested products. Assemble cartons, crates and containers using hand tools. Measure and weigh products or estimate, visually or by feel. Products are graded and sorted according to specified factors and defective, inferior and/or foreign matter is discarded. Acceptable products are placed in specified containers according to grade, which is marked on containers. Containers are then stacked in specified locations. Grade and/or identification number is recorded on tags or shipping, receiving or sales sheets. Examine and inspect containers, materials and products to ensure that packing specifications are met. Stack boxes onto pallets, transport vehicles or trailers. repair trellises, repair fences and farm buildings and participate in irrigation activities. Remove stakes, string, and plastic. Apply pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers to crops. Clean and maintain work areas. Assist with Good Agricultural Practices policies.

Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker's ability to perform the job. Persons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Employer reserves the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but is unwilling to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.

Employer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker's Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time.

TERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a 2 day introductory period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the 2 day introductory period if the worker's performance fails to satisfy the employer's reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable. Employer may terminate a worker for lawful job-related reasons, including but not limited to situations in which the worker: (1) Is repeatedly absent or tardy; (2) malingers or otherwise refuses, without cause, to perform the work as directed; (3) commits act(s) of misconduct or repeatedly violates the Work Rules; and/or (4) fails, after completing the 2 day introductory period, to perform work in a competent and skillful manner, consistent with the employer's reasonable expectations. Non-U.S. workers may be displaced as a result of one or more U.S. workers becoming available for the job during the employer's recruitment period. Job abandonment will be deemed to occur after five consecutive workdays of unexcused absences. Workers may not report for work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on company premises is prohibited and will be cause for immediate termination.

Special Requirements

Work in extreme temperatures. Performed prolonged bending, stooping, walking, pushing and pulling. Perform repetitive movements. Lift, carry and load up to 40 lbs.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]


Did you know that... both H-2A & B workers have the right to receive payment for 75% of the hours on their contract, whether or not they worked it?

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